Saturday, March 11, 2006


Love to all my friends who remebered me on my birthday. I can't explain it to you in words how much it meant to me. I am blessed to have met you all. Thank you.

Life is complicated with all the amazing twists and turns you will never even imagine, but sometimes it is just dumb, brutal and blunt. Its a difficult route full of thorns, studded with an occassional rose - beautiful, endearing and lovely. You my friends are those roses, those trophies which I have picked up in my quest, a journey called life. None of you roses will wither. I will treasure you, protect you till the end of my day. And I pray to God to help me succeed.

1 comment:

.C said...

Keep the tender heart tender, and let the concern for one and all grow in intensity and action. Gods bless you!