Thursday, March 23, 2006

Bhagat Singh

Today is the day, Bhagat Singh, Raj guru and Sukhdev sacrificed their lives for our country and all of us.

Jai hind

Cruise Control

Just was another busy, tiresome day at work. Was getting back from work listening to Mukesh melodiously sing jeena yahan marna yahan. I smiled at myself and how fittingly the song described my monotonous routine.

Squeezing through the bumper to bumper traffic, I wished I was in my couch watching TV. But immediately I corrected myself, no not TV may be in a good restaurant? Having thought of another hundred possibilities, I looked at the lady in the car next to me. What must she be thinking? Where does she want to be right now? Then the analogy struck.

Road defines life so wholesomely. We might be driving in a Ferrari, while a guy in an old Cadillac may overtake you just because at that moment he is in the right lane. The Ferrari can be looked at, in two ways, you may be having potential but not a chance to prove yourself or Ferrari just describes your ego, stopping you from realizing the old car's potential. Both are bad.

We should also realize that cruising ahead is not the soul goal. Reaching home safe is the foremost goal. Its a long road, life with twists and turns, smooth and rough, angry and friendly drivers, all with the soul goal of cruising ahead faster than everybody else.

Sometimes when everything is fine and you are cruising ahead, you may have a flat tyre. And definitely with life we will have a few flat tyres. God creates an occasional speed braker just to make us realize how fast we are going and that we should slow down or look at the more meaner side, may be to slow down other cruisers and put you in the same league again. Remember one thing. Delay is not defeat.

Now the real mess, your co passengers. Some asking you to step on the accelerator, some pleading you to slow down, and some who don't care, some at their irritating best, some longing for your attention and some wanting to stay away from it. Now you really want to go home fast don't you? But be in control my friends. You are the driver, not them.

My Dad says this all the time, stop - look and then proceed. Its one line that can define one's life. But I also want to add, never look back and feel bad at what you did already, just think before you proceed.

I love writing blogs, just because these are all things I want to remember all my life. This is just my way of waging a war against the overwhelming life ahead. Some of you were concerned what's happening with me and if I was alright. Friends I am doing fine, to be frank just great. These blogs are just a medium of realizing myself and in the process expressing the same to you.

I like to thank you all for taking a ride in my car.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The egotistic me

Ever felt you were unlucky when someone of your friends is very lucky? I did. And am sure you did too. Why is this - is this because of our karma? Or just that you are unlucky? Or because he is plain lucky? Or is it because you are jealous? I think I have an answer, but unfortunately it is an amalgam of many complex feelings, I believe.

Firstly, I think it is EGO. We expect a lot from ourselves. If we did good, we expect a lot more the next time and think we are capable of whatever we achieved. If we didn't, we just curse our rotten luck and call ourselves unlucky. Isn't this egotistic? What do we consider ourselves to be?

I remember an interesting story during my Engineering days. I had a class mate who, I know for sure, never on a single given day studied, except for on the day before the exam. He would look at old papers, mug a few questions and because he was intelligent, would do good at exams. Once due to his ILL FATE none of the questions he studied showed up on the exam, and of course he flunked. He cursed the guy who set the paper and blamed his ill luck. Isn't this egotistic? I did this too, I got a bad score in EAMCET and remember blaming God for it, but thinking of that day, I feel I should have worked hard, and instead of blaming myself, I blamed the silent, all-seeing almighty.

Part of the EGO problem is the complexes involved with it. When you expect a lot from yourself, we tend to consider ourselves so superior to others, that we often overlook other's superiority, and end up suffering from the inferiority complex or losing friends in this pandemonium. You think the other person doesn't deserve whatever he has achieved and think it is plain luck. Stop doing that! Everyone deserves anything. Just because you didn't get it doesn't mean no one should get it.

Does this mean you shouldn't be confident? This will lead to my real world blog I wrote a few days ago. And I don't want to go there now.

The next reason I see is, not you problem but the person's whom you think is lucky. If he keeps blaberring about his work when you know he never did or keeps boasting, it might effect us. We are not all Swami Vivekanandas' are we? But please remember that some people do it to stop you from thinking its just luck or because of their own complex problems.

Do I sound very preachy? These are just my observations. Please post in some comments or add to this discussion. I will continue this blog, next time.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

The pride of being an Indian

Since my childhood there have been two things in common,Never ending love from my family and friends and a tragedy. But this year was special and I thank God for that.

I must be in my fourth grade, the year must be 1991 if I remember right. It was my birthday. After a happy day at school I came to know of a burglary in my Dad's shop. I felt bad about it, but to this day never discussed with my parents about it. This was the beginning, I remember numerous such incidents the most prominent of them being the assassination of Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Minister A Madhav Reddy. And this year again the bomb blasts at the Sankat Mochan temple in Varanasi on the same fateful day March 7th, a day before my birthday. The streak continued.

'Sankat Mochan', which if my sanskrit is right, means a place where you can get rid of dangers, perils and fears. People went there to get rid of perils and became victims of one. My heart ached and cried for the lives lost. What have you done you inhuman creatures? What did you achieve? What's your point? You sick bas*****. Don't you think of innocent lives you are killing? And as always political leaders swarmed the place, scolded each other, shrugged of the responsibility and called for a state wide strike that can and will trigger cultural riots. I started losing hope.

But as I mentioned earlier this birthday was special, and I came to know of that only a day after my birthday. The wise people of Varanasi raised hope and respect in my heart. People from different religions came together with placards urging everyone to mourn for the dead and abstain from violence, with candles in their hands marched around the city. What a sight. It was amazing. If it were not you people numerous others would have lost their lives and limbs. You are heroes and I bow my head to you.

I heard someone describe India as a nuclear bomb ready to explode. He assumed people will fight over religion and bring this nation down, he called it our weakness. To him I say, my country, my mother has embraced innumerable religions and beliefs for centuries. My country is not an atom bomb its a miracle the whole world should learn from. Wrongly motivated men who haven't understood the real pride and responsibility of being an Indian might have tarnished its image over time, but they can never blemish the soul of this great nation.

We will be united in our struggle for the well being of our nation and for the matter each and every nation on earth. We will. You people will continue to try to terrorize us but you will never win. United we stay.

Jai Hind


Love to all my friends who remebered me on my birthday. I can't explain it to you in words how much it meant to me. I am blessed to have met you all. Thank you.

Life is complicated with all the amazing twists and turns you will never even imagine, but sometimes it is just dumb, brutal and blunt. Its a difficult route full of thorns, studded with an occassional rose - beautiful, endearing and lovely. You my friends are those roses, those trophies which I have picked up in my quest, a journey called life. None of you roses will wither. I will treasure you, protect you till the end of my day. And I pray to God to help me succeed.