Monday, January 16, 2006

Cruel Intentions

Writing has never been my cup of tea, but always wanted to improve it. The very idea of voicing your opinions for your friends or anybody to read is a fascinating one. So, here I go writing my first blog after just returning from a long day, working. Now lets come to reality, here I am writing....But about what? Million Dollar Question.

Should I write my first essay about the amazing partnership between Sehwag and Dravid? Or about my trip to Pittsburgh? Or my amazing new camera? Or the movie I watched yesterday? naah.. too superficial. Let me think.

I shall write about something that moved my heart so much that I couldn't help thinking about it.

'Death'. Millions of people die everyday. Reasons are so many. You open your newspaper and you find nothing but tragedy and death all over it. In the recent past I have read about thousands dead due to war, suicide bombers, stampede in Haj, Katrina, Tsunami, air accidents.... The list is long. But this certain story is very disturbing atleast for me and I bet it is for many others.

An eighth grader shot dead by a policeman because he was supposedly carrying a gun to school. I certainly believe carrying a gun to school is bad and we also read about stories where kids and even teacher were killed and we certainly don't want anybody hurt. But by anybody, we mean everybody not even the culprit.

The culprit here was a teenager a mentally disturbed one. God knows what he has gone through at home, who knows what was on his mind? May be he was just trying to show off his 'PELLET GUN' painted black to his friends. May be he wanted to scare everybody. Nobody knows and nobody will ever know. We didn't send those kids, who really shot their peers at school, to the electric chair. Why does this kid deserve to die? Why? Why did the police man or whoever shoot him? Where was everybody? What were they thinking?

We are not living in a safe world. Infact we are all living so dangerously. Remember the day when a mentally unstable man was shot dead in an airplane because he claimed he had a bomb? Or do you remember the Egyptian man who was shot dead in London after the blasts, because he was brown, Muslim and a suspect? Or the thousands who died on 9/11. Why is the only question I have. Why?

We are all so cruel. So cruel that wild animals will pity us. How many terrorist lions exist and how many religious maniac bears exist? Animals are far better than we cruel and wild human beings.

I don't even think God can help us or forgive us.


.C said...

This is surely a disturbing incident. I don't know if I should/could thank you for telling me about this. May God restore peace in Christopher David Penley's family.

It's notable that the name of the "murderer" is not mentioned in at least a few news articles!

.C said...

A reply in Telugu @